Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Bird Sightings

Cathy Doucette of our Garden Club has been busy recording new bird sightings.  Here they are:

Chickadee, 11/21/14 in a pine tree outside her apartment;  swans, 11/30 in a Norwood bog; house wrens, 12/03/14 in a tree outside her apartment; Canada geese, 12/05/14 in a pond in Foxborough, MA. 

Sharon Sawyer saw a ruffed grouse in a tree on her road in Crapaud, PEI, 12/20/14; a saker falcon in Central Bedeque, Prince Edward Island; a bluejay in PEI, crows in PEI, Canada geese and mallards on the Wilmot River, near Summerside PEI; Plymouth Barred Rock chickens trying to cross the road in Crapaud, PEI.

As more of you send me emails with your bird sightings, I'll publish them here in the Garden Club blog.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Bird Watching Challenge: Explained!

WOW! all   It seems this bird-spotting idea is a hit!  so we have until now, ( those wild turkeys  geese, mallards and seagulls  .. don't for get them!  ha!) until next September
Can you just imagine how many birds one can spot!  I got some bird books from the library to brush up on the names, and I was amazed how many birds I have seen in my lifetime.  You'll be too.  Don't forget if you go to a zoo and see birds  that counts.. but only form 11/14 to  9/14, so Andrea and I can't use our birds of Costa Rica!  ha! 

 It is officially a GO!!!  The  Club's  "Big Year" challenge is on!  Remember you need to list the date the bird and the place seen,  and  I'd love for anyone to send me photo's   

Barbara has started us off sending a great gaggle of geese in her back yard  ( Babs, you should have printed that out photo for our contest!  it is an amazing shot!) 

Good Luck to us all!  From time to  time, I'll keep you all posted and with tips to sight birds.   

Here is the first one:  put out a suet block this winter, the woodpeckers will flock!      Bon