Monday, April 26, 2010

Save These Dates!

April 28th, 6 :30 p.m. City Hall Lowell Parks Board Meeting
Bonni will present our proposal for a Memorial Park to be located at Bridge St. This will be a wonderful addition to beautifying our Centralville neighborhood. Please plan on joining Bonni at the Lowell Parks Board Meeting to show your support and the importance of this project to our garden club and especially, to our neighborhood.

May 4 Winter Garden Club Flower Show- Marblehead
Plan to welcome spring at this flower show. Bonni will be judging.

May 5 GCFMA, INC. Monthly Board Meeting

May 7-18th NGC NATIONAL CONVENTION IN ATLANTA Bonni will be attending.

May 19-21 New Englnad Region Flower SHow Judges Symposium - Kennebunkport, Maine

May 26th - GCFMA Annual Meeting & Flower Show, Mansfield Holiday Inn
Bonni will be entering a design for our Club.
Sunday May 30th or Monday May 31st? Anyone interested in BBQ "club" meeting? If you are, please let Bonni know as soon as possible!

Friday, April 23, 2010


Club Program Sunday April 25th 2 p.m. National Park Visitors Center Market Street
Inspiring Creative Landscapes – The Concord River Greenway Park - Jane Calvin.

A "must see" presentation on the landscaping of this Lowell Park. Paul Copley’s employer WaterMark is sponsoring a portion of this project. Free. Parker Lecture Series

Wednesday, April 28th 6 pm. Lowell Parks & Recreation Board Meeting JFK Civic Center. 6 p.m.

Bonni will present WWI Veteran’s Urban park proposal to the Board.

Poster Board display of the 5 gardens and time line. Anyone that can attend this meeting with me it would be appreciated.

I sincerely hope our club members can support these programs, with club’s presence at these events.


We have our Bridge Street WWI clean up tomorrow at 8:30 AM. Bring gloves, grass rake, Snow shovel to use as a "dustpan" and leaf bag. Mark your tools Going to be a gorgeous morning! Please reply let me know if your attending.
Of course I mean "locals" !!


Welcome to the New Blog for Curbs and Cobblestones!

I hope you enjoyed the picture of a garden on the north shore of PEI. Of course, it is professionally landscaped, but it does provide a lot of inspiration, especially during the long, winter months when all we want to see is a bit of green! The last time I was in Lowell, I arrived a day late for the Curbs and Cobblestones Meeting. Abby and I were looking forward to seeing everyone again, but alas, I misremembered the date, and Abby and I were the only ones to show up at Bonni's house for the meeting. Of course, we had a meeting anyway, and Bonni told us about the Garden Clubs website. I suggested a blog for our club with a link to it on the website. So, here, finally, is the first entry. As I receive emails from Bonni, or anyone else who wants to send me emails concerning club news, I will post them to the blog. I will also monetize the blog and allow sponsored links. This can bring a few more pennies, maybe even dollars, to the club coffers.


A New Garden Club Blog