Friday, July 17, 2015

MARK YOUR CALENDARS there has been a change in the summer garden schedule:

Community Service just confirmed extra dates:  
No further date for July   delete suggestion of July 25th -- that is the Lowell's Folk Festival weekend
Add: August 1st  8:30 Am  at Shelter on  Middlesex Street  (plant Flower Boxes and hosta along the  newly created seating area ) 
then move to Blue Star for 10 AM  ( Hospitality:  Bonni)
August 8th  Club Meeting and floral program at Andrea & Bruce's House (Westborough)  --carpool from Bonni's at 10 AM
ADD:  August 15th  Blue Star  8 :30 AM   ( need Hospitality host ( water and cut orange wedges?  grapes?)  -- 
 ADD:  August 29th  Blue Star  8 :30 AM   & Lyons park  ( need hospitality host)
September 12th  Blue Star  8 :30 AM  & Lyons Park ( need Hospitality host)
Moving our September 8th regular club meeting to following Tuesday Sept 15th   This is the ends our Big Year and the Golden Trowel Challenge-- who will be the lucky winner with the most sightings!  I'm amazed at the number of species of birds that has been complied by our members.  And I have on behalf of the club submitted our Big Year for the Garden Club Federation's Norma Zettler Award "For the Love of Birds"  it is a Certificate of Merit and a copy of Norma's book to a garden club that promotes the education and a program on birds.

Also this Saturday July 18th:     10 -Noon  National Parks Visitors Center/Market Street  Green Lowell with Jay Mason   see you there!

Last night and 9 AM US mail pick up Today: I completed and sent a grant application for Civic Development and Historic Preservation  requesting $1000, from each category to rehab the Lyons' WWI Memorial Park  -- I'll keep you posted!!  I'd be happy with $500 from each category!   and I think I have a mason lined up to build us a cement walkway,  labor gratis  we only have to pay for materials--  keep our collective fingers crossed!

Finally, I want to share:   There are times I think that I send all you into the stratosphere (Pluto to be exact !) with  programs, activities and offerings.  
As president I want everyone  to be able to participate in a smorgasbord of pick and choose..  so we can enjoy want we want to do GC not what we have to!  Saying that,I just receive this 2 emails from an out-of-state members:     (#1) know you have lots going on with the GC.  I’m very proud to be a member of such a club that does so much good for the community.  You’re an amazing President and I just want to THANK YOU for all you do!!   Know that I appreciate all the great service our club does for the community.   
And #2 member writes :  do you ever sleep?!!  ( Ha!)

June Minutes will be forthcoming.  Bonni

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Blue Star Garden Activity and July Meeting Agenda (2015)

Hi All it appears that it will be a wonderful sunny summer’s day on Saturday for our Blue Star Meeting
I will begin at 8 AM at the Shedd Park Gateway and have the team remove the invasive multi flora rose vines that are popping up in between the hosta.  

Then we will move to the Blue Star @ 9:30 AM.  I simply cannot find my copy of the shed key so please someone (Susie, Peggy) bring your key so we can access our tools.

At the Blue Star: I’d like to start on the Bridge Street slope of the Lyon’s memorial.  Cut the grass if it need it and remove debris on the slope.  We may not  need to water it seems we will have rain before Sat.
If the fence at the blue star is now abundantly wild to the point of encroachment, I’d like the team to prune back the virginia creeper (all pruning shears will be needed ) being careful not to damage the milk weed plants.  
Also it will be a good time to review the far corner of the CAPS island to see if the vetch grown cover and milkweed is doing what we had hope to accomplish in that corner.
Speaking of pruning the golden creeping juniper at our rock needs to be radically cut back.
Hospitality has been offered by Jeanne.  
Bring any marigold or wild flower seeds collected that you have collected for our Urban Garden Project.
Our next Blue Star meeting will be August 22nd.  Hopefully we will have our 10th Anniversary commemorative Sundial installed on that date.
July Meeting Agenda:
Update on Urban Garden Slope of Thorndike Street
Update on Container Garden Transitional Living Center
Update on August:   Met at Andrea's-- Headcount. carpooling on August 8th -- Bonnie will be visiting from California!
Blue Star Hospitality Hostess for August ?
August  22nd  Installation of our Peace Sundial
Update NGC President’s Youth Project - Frightened Frog and Protect Our Pollinators (i.e., mason bees, monarchs) register for Wildlife habitat, underway for summer. Youth Exhibits for FS
Update on December Flower show
Grants and Awards being sought
The Garden Gate – insert to our club’s activities.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Latest Bird Sightings!

Hi fellow bird watchers!

Paul and I went to the Parker River wildlife refuge today.  We got to sea Great Egret like the one pictured.  We also saw a Snowy Erget, Double Crested Cormorant, 3 Mute Swans, several Spotted Sandpipers, and a Least Turn. In Newburyport we saw 5 Thicked Billed Murre standing on some rocks.  They looked like Penguins!

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Curbs & Cobblestones Garden Club June 2015 Minutes

Curbs & Cobblestones Garden Club June 2015 Minutes

Treasurers Report   
Beginning Balance for June 2015:     $1557.33
Ways & Means $200.00
Dues: 20.00
Beginning Balance for June 2015:     $1777.33

Committees:    Stamps & Tabs:  No Reports

Membership: Well all it appears our innovative garden club is acquiring new members.  On deck is a second Delaware resident and pending member making inquiry to join us ..She is:   Nancy Katz 24 White Oak Rd.  Rehoboth Beach, DE. 19971 at  Nancy is formerly from Massachusetts.  We welcome Nancy!  This bring our total membership to: 33 [2 out of Country/ Canada; 9 out-of-state; 7 Massachusetts “out of area”; and 15 local.

Ways & Means: We realized $769 dollars and on June 6th there was a continuance of the yard sale that realize $199.50 rounded up to $200.  The total income for Curbs Yard Sale was $969.00.  Our next Ways and Means fund raising opportunity will be at our December Flower Show with the 4 wreaths from Class 1 and the decorated spruce trees in containers from Class 3.
Blue Star Memorial Garden: Local members of Curbs met at the Blue Star Park on a lovely summer morning of June 13th.    Fifteen attendees of the Commonwealth’s Community Service team were present to pull weeds and tidy the gardens.  We learned that the small Veteran’s monument garden that was part of the collaboration for entire Blue Star garden will no longer be able to be maintained by the Veteran’s organization and our club will now over see the entire space incorporating the WWI garden with the Blue Star garden.
Plans now will be undertaken to rehab the slope that borders the Bridge Street walkway and the WWI Veteran’s garden .  Our next meeting will be on Sat July 11th ( weather permitting) 9:30AM,  first stop at 8:30AM for Community Service will be at the Shedd Park Gateway to remove the rogue Multiflora rose (Rosa multiflora).  Thank you Heidi for the mid morning hospitality break which included bottled water, cut orange wedges accompanied by donut holes. And, Thank you Andrea and Bruce for the donation of 25 lawn bags to help with the clean up!  Jeanne Rousseau has offered to supply hospitality for the July meeting.  

The Big Year:   Who needs Bird Check List (given out May Yard Sale and Meeting)?  Deadline looming Sept 5th, 2015 closes our Big Year Golden Trowel Challenge.  Email me for download.   

Leap into Action National Garden Club President’s Projects “Service in Action
1.  Crown Bees - BeeGap  - I have installed a mason bee house on my property  – what about You?  These are friendly non stinging pollinator bees that will help restore our environment.  You know we had the film on Bee Colony Collapse.  And saw how China has to “hand pollinate” their cherry trees!  They have no bees in their country.  A SMALL action at every members that has a garden can make a Big difference.  Such as: I am attaching a SHARE Pollinator Observation Chart - please print out.  Chart for the days of June and the months of /July /Aug/Sept.  Please bring them to the October 13th Meeting . Out of state members please download.  Our club participation will assist in our NGC pollinator projects.  Thank you!

2.  Protect our Pollinators. See below under #2. Urban Wildflower Garden.

Our Garden Club Blog: from member Sharon SawyerI've revived the Curbs and Cobblestones Blog, and I've posted the minutes of the last meeting and the bird spotting challenge. Now, this is what you have to do to see it.
1. click on this link:
2. if that doesn't take you directly to the blog, open a new window or a new tab by clicking on the + sign that you see on the right of the top of this page, next to your gmail inbox tab.
3. Copy
and paste it into the bar at the top of the page, then click on it.You should be able to see the blog. If you still can't, send me an email. I'll call you and walk you through it.
Sharon -PEI Canada

New City Garden Club Projects:   #1 Lowell Transitional Living Center Flower Boxes and Exterior Beautification: June 23, 2015, I met with Director Jennifer and we discussed updating the planters with a vertical interest idea submitted by our new member Dottie Howatt and perhaps scenes painted on flower boxes submitted by new member Wanda Davis.  It appears their suggestions were a hit.  I suggested the Director contact the Vocational school to see if the student would take on the project of building (3) 60 x 24 metal trellises to insert in to the flower boxes.  If this is not an option the suggestion to plant a small ornament tree in each box with an under skirt of shade perennials, that will help balance the vertical design of the extremely large windows.
As a NGC Master Landscape Design Consultant I put my knowledge and experience to use by further suggesting that there unused, sadly lacking of landscape of  the long deep shaded side of the building that runs along Middlesex Street before reaching the edge of the Center, that also abuts the parking lot, separated by a high wooden fence be utilized as the “smoking” area.   Not that I  encourage the use of smoking,  but the clients stand in front of the building near the entrance while smoking making it difficult to enter the building without passing through a cloud of smoke so ... if you can’t fight it, find another solution.  I suggest to use the 80 ft x 4'  shaded area as seating by installing two granite blocks and adding 3 sand containers for butt receptacles. Behind the granite seating,  a row of hosta can be planted which will make landscape self sustaining.  The wooden fence will be repair this week and stained a natural color.   This small action will beatify the street for the length of 80 feet, keeping and enhancing the large red maple (with an interesting twisted truck shape) in its center, two 36" granite blocks on the left and right of the maple and a row of “Patriot” Hosta bordering the fence. There will also be three sand tubs for the cigarette buts.  At the very far end of this length of green space, next to the corner of the building there will be a decorated cast iron city trash bin.  
Further I’ve planned to give the clients a few gardening workshops thereby encouraging them to maintain the flower boxes.

#2 The Urban Wildflower garden.  Location: at Markos Mediterranean Grill on the top of the Thorndike Rotary, Known as the Lord Overpass, adjacent to the Train Station.   In support our NGC president Sandy Robinson's  projects..  Reestablishing wild green space by returning back to nature, to support our pollinator habitat can be  manageable and interesting if done correctly, especially in city and urban areas, limiting the need to constantly mow every blade of grass!  I am asking members to collect wild flower seeds including marigolds! So we can broadcast the seeds along the slope.  This is a good project even for our out of state members to participate by sending or drop off or bring t0 the meeting any wild flower seeds that they can part with.  Imagine with me, the Thorndike Rotary slope a blaze with wildflowers... a permaculture of the violet hues of lupines, deep gold of black eye susans, the orange of  common day lilies, yellow of buttercups and goldenrod, the white of field daisies, red and white clover, the pinks of the blossoming milkweed, the delicate pattern of Queen Anne’s lace, the bell shaped campion all alight with butterflies and bumblebees.

Members Moment for July: comes from Sharon Sawyer (PEI/Canada), she writes In PEI, our bat population has been decimated by white nose disease. It was first reported on the Island only two years ago, and we have absolutely zero bats left.  Our property borders a small brook, and the mosquitoes and black flies this year are terrible.  Usually, it wasn't so bad because the bats ate so many of them. I always enjoyed watching them flying around the yard near the woods at night. The world needs less lawn and more wild space, in keeping with our NGC pollinator program she offers White Nose Syndrome of Bats.  (attached) please feel free to comment.

Awards:  Along with the 6 NGC awards we picked up at the National Garden Cub convention in Kentucky,  I have applied for the GCFMA Section III C, Norma Zettler “For the Love of Birds”Award due for July 1.   The award is described as:  A certificate of Merit and a copy of Norma’s Birds booklet (delight ful compendium of poems and bird facts) to be presented at the Fall Conference. The award is given to a club or individual educating the public about the “love of birds” The project can be a program for the community, a series of club programs; a program or project for children; or the creation of a local garden that encourages birds.  Our Big Year Project certainly applies!

June Strawberry Festival:   The first of the many 10th Anniversary Club Celebrations on June 20th, a fine summer day for the Strawberries 'n Arts Festival was enjoyed by hundreds on the Westford Commons.  Members spotted among the grounds were Heidi, Susan, Jeanne Rousseau and Bonni.  The strawberry shortcake was scrumptious!  The vendor stalls were exceptional.  Entertainment included bag pipers, Celtic dancers, barbershop quartet, and iron worker with anvil and irons preforming a “lost” craft demonstration.  For those members out of state, as promised a special token will be sent you as part of our club’s celebration.   Watch your mail! The admission was free and the club reimbursed the cost of Strawberry Shortcake with some from of receipt or brochure from the festival.  Truly a good time was had by All!

The next 10th Anniversary celebratory event: will be Saturday, AUGUST 8, 2015 11 AM Design Program and Luncheon at the Littles’ Residence home in Westborough. This design program will be in preparation for our Flower Show in December.   RSVP to Bonni as head count will be required. Everyone to meet at 10:00 AM as 279 Wentworth as carpooling and tandem will be necessary.  Limited parking. NEWS: our member Bonni Jaross from California will be joining us in August!

December Flower Show:  Notice for all out of state members the schedule was written to accommodate all members.  I hope you will consider entering by sighing up for 
 Class 1   Season’s Greetings      2 entries available
A 10” fresh wreath (provided by Committee or chose your own fresh wreath and the club will reimburse with receipt).  Exhibitors’ choice of holiday design using fresh and/or dried plant material.  Will not be returned as it will become Ways & Means: offered for sale to the public.  Ship to 279 Wentworth Ave Lowell, MA 01852

Class 2   Spirit of Giving 2 entries available
A wrapped shoe or dress box.  Exhibitors’ choice of holiday design using fresh and/or dried plant material.   Easily shipped to 279 Wentworth Ave Lowell, MA 01852

Class 5   Not a creature was stirring…not even a mouse!  4 entries available
  A small holiday design not to exceed 8” square using fresh and/or dried plant material.  Displayed in a white niche  10” x 10”  x 10” w/ white backboard.  Ship to 279 Wentworth Ave Lowell, MA 01852.

Shipped Entries will be handled and exhibited in their best display, by 2 flower show judges as if it were their own design.  Please do not be concerned about damage in shipping.  All will be perfect!

Summer Meeting Dates Mark Your Calendar:
July: Meeting will be held at the Blue Star Park on Saturday July 11th, @ 9:30 AM. (Weather permitting) Jeanne Rousseau has offered to do hospitality.  Someone.. please bring your Garden Shed Key – mine is among the missing!
Discussion: Shelter landscaping agenda; consider Bud vase program for shelter?  Need ideas for the upcoming Golden Trowel Challenge.

August:  Aug 8th 11:AM Andrea and Bruce to host Luncheon and Design Program in Westborough  Ca pooling necessary meet at Bonni’s leave prompt at 10 AM.  Meeting Discussion on Flower Show and preliminary schedules distributed, tasks assigned.

August 22nd  Blue Star Park @ 8:30 AM. (weather permitting).  Hospitality-Bonni
Discussion on Gold Star project.
Note from Sharon: I have not been successful in uploading the article on white nose syndrome in bats that Bonni attached to the email she sent us.  I'll keep trying!

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

C&CGC Spring Yard Sale

Greetings!  Curba and Cobblestones Garden Club wll be having its yard sale Thursday, Friday and Saturday!

Garden Club Yard Sale- Multi family- general items
279 Wentworth Avenue 8 to 1 pm
 Come by and see what we've got!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Club News! Great News! Our Membership is Growing Around North America!

News ... News... BIG News!
Congratulations Members! we have just received THREE National Garden Club Award of Participation for our activities in Ecology during the Convention in Kentucky.  Copies will be made for our members Handbook and submitted at our September Awards Meeting when the Golden Trowel Award is presented to a lucky member!

News ... News... GREAT News!
Honestly I don’t know how this happens... other than I say: “ Would you like to join our club?”  “Your welcome to!” And bam! People are throwing dues at me...
In Kentucky,   Andrea and I expanded our membership by 4 to include Lorene Junkin.  Andrea’s dear friend, Lorene is a MASTER Flower Show Judge and Master Floral Designer!  She lives in Gainsville, Florida. I’m certain Lorene as did Andrea, will share with us her wonderful talents. Joining our conversation, a lovely lady Shane Looper from San Francisco, CA stated that the New England Region was the champagne drinking bomb!~ and asked “can I join”... well sure! Would we ever turn down a fun loving person no matter what the distance? We now have two California ladies our dear Bonnie Jaross and Shane.  Shane was so please that she not only paid dues she also made a donation!  We thank you for your generosity!  
As you know I have been traveling with NGC since 1999, I have met a lot of people all over the country even South and Central America.  One of the dearest ladies and friend anyone could become acquainted with is Wanda Davis.  Wanda hails from Delaware, she also joined and turned to her friend Dottie Howatt (immediate past president of Delaware Garden Clubs!!!)  And Dottie joined.  Do you believe this!    Well the dust has settled the excitement of seeing American Pharaoh run the Preakness while in Kentucky has calmed.. And Lorene, Shane, Wanda and Dottie  assure me that they don’t want their dues back and they WANT to be members of our progressive garden club!  Just before  Andrea and I left for Convention sisters, Lydia and Maryanne join us!   Our club is bursting with membership! I’m now moving across the country to Colorado!  Two lovely ladies would like to remain in contact with our club (not members YET ☺) Dottie Vickland and CJ Leise two gracious women who are interested in the projects that we do.  

And finally.... a new concept for us to consider.. Which will be up for discussion at our cookout...
How would you like to consider partnering with a club similar to ours in Kentucky?  I met the president Cathy of a local Kentucky club, as she was hosting one of the lunches. Their membership is small and has the same objectives and commitments as we do.  I would like us to consider engaging this small club to be our “sister” club. We would exchange ideas and programs with them as they would do us.  It is a bold and progressive idea to keep garden clubs alive.  It's just a thought .. A pilot program perhaps ... want to see where this goes?

Is it time for someone to staple my feet to the floor?

Monday, April 13, 2015

Early Morning Junko Sighting on PEI!

Spring is coming, even though we still have three feet of undrifted snow in the front yard!  It's hard to wait for spring this long when my friends in Washington, D.C. are enjoying cherry blossoms in full bloom this week.  Spring birds are returning to the Island.  I'm watching a junko and a siskin at the bird feeder.  We had a suet cage until yesterday, and now it's nowhere to be seen.  We think a crow may have made off with it when no one was looking--maybe we'll find it in the woods when the snow is melted!

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Spring Birds!

Bonni and Sharon Sighted Siskins in Lowell and PEI (early April, 2015).

Sharon also saw:

A hawk near her home in Crapaud, PEI:

and some Canada Geese near the Tryon River on the south shore of PEI:

Friday, February 20, 2015

More Bird Sightings from Our Members

Suzy Szablak recently spotted a screech owl in the Lowell area, and several weeks ago, Barbara and Paul Copley spotted a Merlin hawk.  Here in Prince Edward Island, I've seen several bald eagles and hawks, but could never get close enough to the hawks to see them clearly.  Crows and seagulls are everywhere, as usual.  With all the snow we've been having, it will be very nice to see the return of the songbirds in the spring!

 Merlin Hawks

Screech owl

Friday, January 16, 2015

This is the list so far of bird sightings that our members have submitted from Texas to Prince Edward Island, Canada:

2014-2015 Curbs & Cobblestones Garden Club Bird Sightings “Big Year” to date: [ September 2014 to January 2015

Member B- Northeast : Great Blue Heron, Mourning dove, white breasted nuthatches, blue jay, female and male northern cardinals, black capped chickadee, female purple finch, crow, grackle, tufted titmouse, male and female house sparrows, American tree sparrow, downy woodpecker, hairy woodpecker. Red-belied woodpecker, starling, brown creeper. A gaggle (8) Wild Turkeys,

Member P- Northeast : Red-tail hawk (soaring), rock pigeon, herring gull.

Member L/C- Northeast : humming birds, eastern bluebird

Member E- Southeast Atlantic :Turkey Vulture, Red Shouldered Hawk, Killdeer, Mourning Dove, Red-bellied Woodpecker, Hairy Woodpecker, Northern Flicker, Pileated Woodpecker, Eastern Phoebe, Blue Jay, American Crow, Carolina Chickadee, Tufted Titmouse, Carolina Wren, Ruby-Crowned Kinglet, Eastern Bluebird, Swainson’s Thrush, American Robin, Northern Mockingbird, Brown Thrasher, Cedar Waxwing, Yellow-Rumpled Warbler, Eastern Towhee, Northern Cardinal, Brown-Headed Cowbird, House Finch, American Goldfinch
Member B/P- Northeast : Gaggle of Canadian Geese, mallards, herring gull, Merlin Hawk

Member A/S- Canadian Providences: Great Blue Heron, chickadees, crows, herring gulls spotted yesterday, Canada geese and mallards earlier this month near Summerside, PEI, a morning dove and a bald eagle spotted yesterday near Crapaud PEI.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

A Couple More PEI Bird SIghtings

This week, on January 7, I saw a red-breasted nuthatch while walking down the driveway in Crapaud, PEI, Canada, and yesterday, January 9, a bald eagle was circling the trees in the backyard.  It snowed quite a bit yesterday and it's beautiful outside, though very cold.  Still, the day after a snow storm is always beautiful, even if we enjoy it from the inside.