Thursday, November 20, 2014

The National Gardener Free For Garden Club Members

Morning All .. NGC has placed their magazine  The National Gardener ( which we use to pay $12 for a subscription, now FREE!)    here is how you can access it.

1. Go to the National Garden Club website (

2. At the top of the screen it says 'Login Member'   - tap on that 

3. Check your email for the user name

4.  Check your email from Bonni for the password

5.  When you enter you will be on a page that says 'Welcome Members'

6.  Look on the left hand side (column) and tap on TNG online

7.    Under National Gardener Magazine : Digital Library is the list of current and last TNG's    - hit the one you want.


Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Emerald Ash Borer Spreads Across Massachusetts

I just came across this article that I thought I'd share with the Garden Club.  Click on the link to read the article in its entirety.

Mass. restricts transportation of firewood as emerald ash borer spreads - Worcester Telegram

Anyone Up for a Bird-Watching Trip?

Good Morning Everyone.

Our member Susie S.  sent me an email asking if we should organize and birding outing to Essex County ( Parker River) Ipswich, Newburyport, area to see some owls, sea birds and other great sightings.  I for one would love to do this.  I know you've seen Sue's photos of the amazing Great Blue Herons and the sanderlings.

Would anyone be interested in a Garden Club outing to the seashore (winter)?  I will organize with Sue so we have a comfort area, warmth, car pool etc.   please let me know if your interested in this adventure.    

Beautiful Flower Arrangements for the Community Table

Barbara Copley, one of our
Barbara's flowers bound for the Community Table
members, brightened the day of the dinner guests at the Lowell Community Table this week.  The arrangements are made from cloth-wrapped water bottles which is a great way to re-use and re-cycle items.  Each of these lovely little flower arrangements will add a note of grace and beauty to the tables as dinner is served.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Garden Club Bird Spotting Challenge

Garden Club Bird Spotting Challenge

 2015 is the Year of the Bird and as you may have seen in the Minutes, The club has had some programs on that topic since September.

The challenge is to have the club have its own Big Year. A Big Year in the birding world is to note how many different species of birds you see in a year.

In a true Big Year, they also you to recognize the "call of the bird", without sight.  But I am asking that our challenge be only sighting of the bird.  one has to be a true professional to know the call of the bird without sight.  And I'm sure we can recognize the call of mourning dove, blue jays, crows (or could they be grackels??) but this challenge has to be "seen only" specific

The reason I am inviting only you all specifically is that due ot our residences, we cover a great deal of the country and the migrating routes of a huge number of world known birds.

All you need to do is journal bird, date and where bird seen  Examples:  11/13/14  Blue jay, at feeder  Lowell, MA; 11/15/14 Red tail hawk, 5th story ledge  at Boott Mill etc.

1.  No double entries  (once seen on your personal list, its seen.) 
If Evi, Jeanne and I see a blue jay that is acceptable on the list because  we tracked the migration from the northeast to south central US.  if Abby and Sharon also see a blue jay then we know that blue jays can be seen from Northeast Canada down to South Central US.

 2. Date:  Begin now Nov 2014 to  May 31st 2015  ( this 6 month period will give us winter and  spring summer birds with a migration season)  

3.  each month email me your list so I can keep a overall Results Chart

4. feel free to snap a photo, (but NOT necessary)  and email me.

4.  Garden Club Awards:  our club will submit this data for various appropriate awards given at National, Regional, state and our own garden clubs.  There could be cash awards and for our own club  I am donating  (as a one time award for this specific project) for the most named sighted birds, a pair of photography binoculars!
But regardless of the awards and recognition that I am  pursing on behalf of our garden club,  I hope you will join me for the fun of it.

Please let me know if you want to play sight the birdie!
Club Meeting Minutes:

Since November 11th fell on a day considered a “ holiday” where federal offices and banks were closed, Bonni inquired if anyone wanted a luncheon meeting rather than an evening meeting and those that were able to attend agreed to a day, rather than an evening meeting. The meeting was held a 1:00 pm at 279 Wentworth Avenue.

In attendance: Peggy, Lisa, Jeanne R. Barbara and Bonni. Sending regrets Heidi, Paul, Chanel, Susan, Cathy D. and Andrea.

Guest: Claire Nagle (former Lowell Garden Club member and known to some Curbs members).

Hospitality: Luncheon was served prior to the meeting; the Menu consisted of Squash Soup, bacon- apple cheddar baked cheese sandwiches on 9-grain rolls. Barbara’s amazing chilli, served with shredded cheddar and crackers. Jeanne made homemade apple pie, the crust was golden and the flakiest one could imagine; brought back memories of how apples pies were baked by grandma! and Peggy baked her death-by-chocolate godiva brownies! Lisa supplied the excellent crisp french white wine. Needless to say we had a feast!
Bonni gave everyone a recipe card for apple chips and the bacon cheddar apple grilled cheese sandwiches. Yum! (Attached to Minutes)

During dessert and coffee, Bonni called the meeting open and a quorum was met.

The meeting honoring Veteran's Day - Although Andrea was not in attendance she was visiting the clubs of the pacific coast that were conducting Blue Star ceremonies, she offered a pin to each one of our members to commemorate the day. The pin is a Service Unity pin a combination of the Blue Star and Unity( American flag )Ribbon. The pin was created to establish a universal symbol of America’s support of our military and their families during the war against terrorism. When wearing the Service Unity Pin you show your patriotism and support for our Armed Forces working and fighting to keep our nation free! A pin will be given/sent to each member of the club. Thank you Andrea, as always, for your generous nature and support of the club.

General Business:

1. Ways & Means: Bonni mentioned that the fundraiser chosen by the members in October would be a yard sale and that it would be held in the spring. Since Heidi suggested that the most desirable place to hold the yard sale would be at 279 Wentworth Ave. Bonni agreed. The date would not be set until the club reconvenes in March. It will be some date in April, as the weather permits.

2. 501 c. 3: Bonni stated that the club’s filing of the 501 c 3- with AG’s office has been completed on November 1, 2014. And the all requirements have been met for the 2013-2014 filing season.
The non-profit filing protocol is as follows: (1) During month of July: file with GCFMA the renewal of the Garden Club Umbrella and proposed budget for the tax year.
(2) August: file the E-post card with IRS.